Briefing Questions When Considering Tools and Services for Unstructured Data

The Briefing Questions When Considering Tools and Services for Unstructured Data – Text, Images, Audio, and Video is an update of the widely used 24 Questions to Help Buyers of Social Media Research.

Why are we revising the 2012 Briefing Questions?

Initially, the 24 Questions were intended to help users of social media research decide if a social media listening tool was fit for the purpose of their research objective. Since 2012, the tools and services available to researchers have evolved from social media posts to other potential sources, such as survey open ends, focus group transcripts, and more. The capabilities of software tools have grown as well, opening up new possibilities to analyse broader categories of data, going beyond text to include images, audio and video.

Who and what are the Briefing Questions for?

These briefing questions are designed to help those considering buying tools and services for data analytics. Asking these questions will help buyers gain a better understanding of the tools and services that are being offered, ensure that what they receive is in line with their expectations and provide more comparable metrics to support the buying decision.

We hope that providers of such tools and services will post their own answers to these briefing questions online to increase transparency and enable buyers to compare services of different suppliers in line with the objective of this document.